Helpful For Influenza And Sinus
Indications: Homoeopathic preparation helpful for sinusitis, acute virus cold, acute/chronic catarrah, paranasal inflammation
Nat. mur. 30x (HPI)................0.02ml
Belladonna 30x (HPI).............0.02ml
Allium cepa 4x (HPI)...............0.02ml
Nat sulf 6x (HPI).....................0.02ml
Aconite 30x (HPI)...................0.02ml
Kali mur. 3x (HPI)...................0.02ml
Zingiber Q (HPI)...................0.033ml
Glycyrhizza (HPI).................0.033ml
Dosage: 10-15 drops in some water before meals, 3 times a day or as directed by the Physician.
Presentation: 20 ML